
For more information, or to talk about offering support, please contact:
Lorna Bjorklund, Executive Director


Sooke Harmony Project is a registered BC society and is in the process of applying for charitable status. Donate  by credit card or PayPal using the form at the lower right of this page. If you prefer to donate by cheque,  cheques may be made out to “Harmony Project Society of BC” and mailed to:
Harmony Project Society of BC
c/o Lorna Bjorklund
3781 Phillips Road
Sooke BC V8Z 0Y3

external links:
Sooke Philharmonic Orchestra
Harmony Project (Los Angeles)

research on music and the brain
A child’s brain develops faster with exposure to music
Music lessons spur emotional and behavioral growth in children
This is your brain — and this is your brain on music